Event BeginPlay()

Unreal blog about pretty much everything

Sim­ple things I wish I knew when start­ing Enshrouded

A col­lec­tion of var­i­ous tips and tricks for those that are yet to start or have recent­ly start­ed Enshroud­ed. You wish you knew this!

Enshroud­ed: How to get string

For the good part of your game of Enshroud­ed string will be one of the craft­ing ingre­di­ents you will con­stant­ly need. So here’s a quick guide on how to get string in the game. Craft­ing String from Plant Fiber String is one of the…

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How to mine faster in Starfield ⛏️

Did you know you can mine faster in Starfield? Much faster so. So did­n’t I up until my ~20th hour into the game. All you have to do is just hold the ADS but­ton along with the FIRE but­ton, so on PC it’s…

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Jump high­er on longer jump key press

It’s actu­al­ly super easy to jump heigher based on the time the jump key is held — the longer you press it, the high­er your char­ac­ter jumps. Let’s see how to con­trol the jump strength by mod­i­fy­ing a sin­gle vari­able in Unreal…

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Palia alpha test screenshow showing user interface and players cooking pies

First UI screen­shots of Palia, the “cozy MMO”

In their lat­est blog, Sin­gu­lar­i­ty 6, found­ed by for­mer Bliz­zard and Riot devs, shared details about the ongo­ing alpha test. Among var­i­ous (beau­ti­ful) ones, a cou­ple were screen­shots show­ing UI of Palia — these are of par­tic­u­lar inter­est to me. Over­all, the interface…

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