Event BeginPlay()

Unreal blog about pretty much everything

Palia alpha test screenshow showing user interface and players cooking pies

First UI screen­shots of Palia, the “cozy MMO”

In their lat­est blog, Sin­gu­lar­i­ty 6, found­ed by for­mer Bliz­zard and Riot devs, shared details about the ongo­ing alpha test. Among var­i­ous (beau­ti­ful) ones, a cou­ple were screen­shots show­ing UI of Palia — these are of par­tic­u­lar inter­est to me. Over­all, the interface…

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Cus­tom Mouse Cur­sor in Unre­al Engine

In some instances, like when you’re mak­ing an RPG with point-and-click con­trols or when the play­er inter­acts with your UI, you might want to dis­play a cus­tom mouse cur­sor or a crosshair instead of the default mouse point­er. The good news is…

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Unreal Engine 4 Cinematic Quality Post Processing Cover

How to Achieve Cin­e­mat­ic Qual­i­ty With Post-Process Effects in Unre­al Engine 4

This arti­cle goes through the dif­fer­ent post-process effects that can dra­mat­i­cal­ly enhance the visu­al qual­i­ty of a scene in Unre­al Engine and bring it to an almost cin­e­mat­ic leve. Learn how to work with depth of field, light bloom, expo­sure, tone map­ping, col­or grad­ing, ray-traced reflec­tions, and more.

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