Far Cry 7: Frozen Domin­ion Concept

Uncov­er Frost­fal­l’s secrets and chal­lenge Vik­tor Krieger’s oppres­sive regime in a vast Arc­tic open world of adven­ture and rebellion.

I did not expect much from Far Cry 6, I want­ed to run around and shoot stuff. I skipped 4 alto­geth­er and put only a few hours into the 5, so the bar was set pret­ty low already. But Far Cry 6 sucked me in good. 

And while thor­ough­ly enjoy­ing Yara lib­er­a­tion, I’ve began to won­der what would I like to see from the Far Cry series in the future. And it’s not the game­play my mind turned to, but the set­ting and the sto­ry. Because — let’s face it — Far Cry games do not nec­es­sar­i­ly fea­ture the over-the-top gun­play, and the grind gets old real fast. But I still believe Ubisoft found a good for­mu­la for the series, and their game design­ers are more than capa­ble of invent­ing stuff to enter­tain us with.

But here’s the fact: Ubisoft puts out the best open-worlds today. What these vast spaces lack in terms of believ­abil­i­ty and sim­u­la­tion, they make up in their appear­ance. Man, these games are beau­ti­ful. And who does­n’t know Pagan Min or Vaas? It’s the sec­ond inge­di­ent to the suc­cess and my per­son­al affec­tion for the games — Ubisoft man­aged to cre­ate charis­mat­ic, col­or­ful vil­lains whose sto­ry is inter­est­ing enough to follow.

So before we begin, let’s recap:

  • Far Cry 1 was a trop­i­cal island.
  • Far Cry 2 fea­tures African landscapes.
  • Far Cry 3 had a trop­i­cal theme again.
  • Far Cry 4 fea­tured some cool-ass Himalayan vistas.
  • Far Cry 5 showed us a bit of US, Mon­tana to be presice.
  • Far Cry 6 is some­what trop­i­cal again, with a Car­ribean islands all around.

So what else? What can be so dif­fer­ent from all the pre­vi­ous install­ments that will real­ly set the game apart? Here goes…

Every­thing below is my pure fan­ta­sy and is not based on any fan the­o­ries, com­mu­ni­ty ideas or in any way relat­ed to the real state of things with the Far Cry series. This is also not affil­i­at­ed with Ubisoft in any way.

Sto­ry overview

In the frigid waste­lands of the Arc­tic, a sprawl­ing open world awaits play­ers in Far Cry: Frozen Domin­ion. The cen­tral loca­tion is Frost­fall, a once-thriv­ing min­ing town that has fall­en under the con­trol of a pow­er­ful orga­ni­za­tion led by the enig­mat­ic Vik­tor Krieger. As play­ers nav­i­gate the vast frozen land­scapes, they will uncov­er the true motives behind Vik­tor’s takeover and engage in a thrilling bat­tle against oppres­sion and exploitation.


The game world stretch­es far beyond Frost­fall, encom­pass­ing a diverse range of loca­tions scat­tered through­out the frozen domin­ion. Play­ers will tra­verse vast icy plains, frozen lakes, tow­er­ing moun­tains, and hid­den under­ground facil­i­ties. The harsh and unfor­giv­ing envi­ron­ment pos­es numer­ous chal­lenges, from bliz­zards to treach­er­ous crevass­es and aggres­sive wildlife.


The play­er can choose either Mia or Liam Stone as the main playable char­ac­ter. Whomev­er the play­er choos­es, that per­son will be a skilled moun­taineer and envi­ron­men­tal activist that lives sep­a­rate­ly from their twin. The oth­er sib­ling is a sci­en­tist that works in Frost­fall and their area of exper­tise revolves around a ground­break­ing ener­gy source that has cap­ti­vat­ed Vik­tor Krieger’s attention.

All the descrip­tions fur­ther are based on the fact that play­er choos­es Mia, so that Liam becomes the sci­en­tist work­ing for Krieger.

Sto­ry progression

At the start of the game, Mia sus­pects some­thing hap­pened to her broth­er as he abrupt­ly stops con­vers­ing with her. So she sets off on a jour­ney to the remote min­ing town of Frost­fall, where Liam was employed as a sci­en­tist for Krieger Indus­tries. All she knows is that he was study­ing renew­able, “clear” ener­gy sources.

Dri­ven by her con­cern for Liam’s well-being, Mia arrives in Frost­fall, only to dis­cov­er that her broth­er has seem­ing­ly van­ished all­to­geth­er, and there are vir­tu­al­ly no traces left of him being here. As she wan­ders around, Mia gets pro­gres­sive­ly sus­pi­cious, and slow­ly, but steadi­ly finds out that all paths lead to Krieger’s com­pa­ny. She then real­izes that the whole area is shut off: she can­not leave or even con­tact the out­side world, and that peo­ple are basi­cal­ly kept cap­tive, forced to work for Krieger.

As Mia delves deep­er into the mys­tery, she uncov­ers pro­found truths about Liam’s research, real­iz­ing that it extends far beyond geot­her­mal ener­gy. As the sto­ry unfolds, it becomes clear that Krieger’s ulti­mate aim was to seize con­trol of the lim­it­less and incred­i­bly potent pow­er source Liam’s team had dis­cov­ered. Krieger intend­ed to wield this pow­er to dom­i­nate the world, using it as a tool of coer­cion through advanced weapon­ry and monop­o­liz­ing the ener­gy market.

Liam’s research clear­ly indi­cates that there are hid­den dan­gers tied to the new­ly dis­cov­ered ener­gy source, poten­tial­ly lead­ing to a world­wide eco­log­i­cal cat­a­srophe. And since he was one of the only ones who could expose the dan­gers of the new pow­er source to the world and, con­se­quent­ly, got in the way of Krieger’s ambi­tions, he got rid of.

In her quest of find­ing out what hap­pened to her broth­er — not know­ing whether he’s even alive — Mia learns the truth about his ground­break­ing research and Krieger’s sin­is­ter ambi­tions, and she becomes more deter­mined than ever to stop him. The game’s nar­ra­tive takes play­ers on a thrilling jour­ney as they explore Frost­fall, gath­er infor­ma­tion, forge alliances, and con­front the forces aligned with Krieger.

As the sto­ry reach­es its cli­max, Mia’s actions shape the fate of Liam, Frost­fall, and the world itself. With the unlim­it­ed pow­er source at stake, play­ers must make crit­i­cal choic­es that will deter­mine whether Krieger suc­ceeds in his dom­i­na­tion or if Mia can bring him down and keep the world’s ecosys­tem from collapsing.

So… Yeah, I’d run around in the snow ❄️